Infomation Technology FAQS

Is Information Technology Hard?

Information Technology differs on the mindset. Some may see it as hard, some may not.

Is Information Technology Improtant?

As a matter of fact, yes it is. No company of recent days, can not survive without an information technologist around.

How much are Information Technologists Paid?

It depends on your field of concentration or your job preference. Software Engineers are being paid over $600,000 per year. Now imagine what others are paid. And I believe Analysts are paid the most.

Can Information Technologists work remotely.?


We can work either remotely or in an office. Depends on the company's specifications. And you have all rights to decide for your self.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is required in order to get your website online. It is the space that you 'rent' which houses your web files and allows users to access your site and the information contained on it.

I often hear the term Web design or Web development used interchangeably.
Are they the same or different?

Web design is particularly used to describe the art of putting the UI of pages together. That is, the layout, the graphics and all that have to do with the appearance or presentation of web pages. Web development connotes a more all- encompassing process that not only involves the appearance of pages but the functionality of the website. This include the programming of the site for interactivity, dynamism and user interaction.